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Mathios Refractories SA
5 Epidavrou Str.,18233
Athens, Greece
GPS: 37.969119, 23.665655
Tel: +30 210 4913502
+30 216 0709199
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://mathios.com
Mathios Refractories S.A.
16. km der Nationalstraße Chalkis-Athen, 11527 Ritsona Griechenland
Tel: +30 226 2071341
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://mathios.com
Germany Mathios GmbH
Harpener Feld 11
44805 Bochum, Germany
+49 234 6103925
+49 234 6103926
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://mathios.de
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Main Office
Nikola Malashevski, 9
Tel: +359 70140094
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Tel: +359 878949991
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